Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Study a Broad...

Thanks to Emily for modeling for me. Here are some preliminary sketches...

Every Set Back is an Opportunity...

So last week my car was broken into. They took my backpack that contained (among other things) my full set of Copic cool grey markers and three sketch books. They took my portfolio that had over 48 pages of comic pages that I had done over the past year to show off at conventions to try and land a job somewhere. Now I have nothing.

This is really exciting! No I haven't gone crazy, and I'll tell ya why... life has given me a blank page, and there is nothing I love more than a blank page. I bought an new sketch book and started working on some new comic art. Here is my first sketch book post, I'm working on getting character designs at the moment.

First Post!

Well, this is my comic art blog! My name is Patrick Barr and I am an unpublished, unknown, aspiring comic artist (I know, I know... "jeebus! Not another one!"). I gotta do what I gotta do. I love comics and I love making comics. I like the challenge of it. I love telling stories and I love drawing.

On this blog I will be posting sketch book scans, thumbnails, sequential art and pin ups. I will take commissions (if anyone is interest in that sort of thing). I will occasionally rant about things that have to do with comics, the comic industry or artists. I promise that I will do my very best to keep my politics and religious beliefs (or lack of I should say) to myself as they have no place on a comic blog.

I will also answer any questions one may have about my process so feel free to email me. I also welcome and encourage comments, critiques and complaints.

Thank You