Friday, April 20, 2012

Step 3: Rough Pencils!!

The next step on our journey to completed illustration is the rough pencils. Here is where I work out more details, proportions, etc. in a more manageable size. The next step is the tight pencils where I further the details and change the things I'm not happy with. Among those things are: The guns are too big, I want them to be a little smaller and cooler looking (I'm not Rob Leifeld, bigger guns does not equal cooler). I'm going to change the expression on her face, I want it to be more "flirty and mischevious" and not "scared" looking. I don't like the way the vest is behaving, I want it to look more dynamic to convey action. Lastly I don't like the Lekku (her head tendril)..(yes, that is what they are called, yes I have that kind of knowledge just floating around in my head and yes I am THAT much of a Star Wars nerd) that is behind her and want it to look more "flowy".

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Step 2: Value Study

So after I get my idea for my pin-up I do a value study. I tightened up the thumbnail from the previous post and fixed some things I didn't like about the first thumbnail. The proportions are a little better on this one and I like the facial expression a bit better.

The next step is to blow this up and redraw it on to some bristol board... stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Here are some sketches of my SWTOR character. Just getting a feel for the character. I doodled these at work while ripping jobs and talking on the phone.