Friday, April 20, 2012

Step 3: Rough Pencils!!

The next step on our journey to completed illustration is the rough pencils. Here is where I work out more details, proportions, etc. in a more manageable size. The next step is the tight pencils where I further the details and change the things I'm not happy with. Among those things are: The guns are too big, I want them to be a little smaller and cooler looking (I'm not Rob Leifeld, bigger guns does not equal cooler). I'm going to change the expression on her face, I want it to be more "flirty and mischevious" and not "scared" looking. I don't like the way the vest is behaving, I want it to look more dynamic to convey action. Lastly I don't like the Lekku (her head tendril)..(yes, that is what they are called, yes I have that kind of knowledge just floating around in my head and yes I am THAT much of a Star Wars nerd) that is behind her and want it to look more "flowy".

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