Thursday, June 21, 2012

More Plots!

Whew! Finished writing/plotting my comic (took a little longer due to spider interference...DAMN SPIDERS!!). Here are the rough plots, really quite happy with the overall results. This is the second time I plotted this and I like this one WAY better. The flow and pacing is a lot better, the first one had too long of a fight scene and not enough build up. The previous ending was also really rushed which meant that the story lacked a satisfying ending.

When you have an action story, whether it’s a comic, movie, tv show or book - people tend to remember the big action scenes. It’s always “Oh man! That was SO awesome when...”, but without the build up to that action, the audience is not invested in the characters and the “bad-ass” parts lose their impact. The same goes for the ending. If something I am watching has a terrible ending (Sopranos, I’m looking at you...) the audience feels cheated.

Your reader is investing time in your comic, they should get something in return. A payoff. It’s important to give them something worth looking at and worth reading. A story that invites the reader into this world that you are creating and makes them want to come back.

The previous plots I did for this story (full pages as well) lacked a lot. I love the fact that only a year later, I can make something that is far superior to the original.

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