Friday, November 9, 2012

Dejah Thoris - Again!

Hey hey!

Well here is another drawing of Dejah Thoris out of my sketchbook. I like the pose and over all layout of this. Woola (the dog), I took inspiration of a pug puppy I saw on a video last week named Marshmellow. I want to achieve a sweet demeanor despite the unusual features.

Deja’s face looks quite off on this but that I will fix once I enlarge this for the final art. The window frames the scene well and gives it sort of an “Art Nouveau look”. I added white key lines around Dejah to separate her from the night sky (her hair was particularly getting lost).

I want to give her exotic features, I am thinking like Morena Baccarin - from know the “space-whore” (there, now you don’t have to google her). I am planning on changing the jewelry and making it a bit more stylized and artistic looking as well as adding pasties (metal, shiny pasties).

Have a good weekend all!

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