Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Peasants and Pirates!

Hey e’rbody! Well, another week and another blog post. Here is another couple of pages out of my sketchbook. The first page is from some observational drawings I did at the Sonora Celtic Faire this last weekend. I basically spent most of the day posting out somewhere with my sketchbook and drawing people. It’s a great excercise drawing people that aren’t staying still because you have to capture the likeness fast and think on your toes. The different costumes are fun to draw and reminded me of the various Clothed Figure and Costumed Figure drawing classes I took in school. I did take some photo reference as well so I I have more things to draw from that day as well.

The second page is the start of a pirate drawing I did. I have been watching Black Sails on Starz and was inspired to draw pirates. The first thing I did was draw the large full figure drawing in the middle. While this was a good start, I decided that I wanted to make him a cannoneer so I made some adjustments to his body in the thumbnail to the left top corner. I broadened the shoulders and lengthened his beard a bit. I like the face better in the top right corner and will probably use something closer to that.

Speaking of Black Sails, I have a lovely drawing I did of Anne Bonny that you will eventually get to see once I fill up that page.

Later all!

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