Thursday, May 10, 2012

Post Artum Depression...

Well, I finished my Si'nbad art last night (a bit earlier than expected). I really must say that it turned out way better than I was picturing it in my head. I posted the direct scan with no touch ups (warts and all) and am quite happy with it. The only real downside at this point is that I don't know what to draw next. I am thinking Red Sonja, Dejah Thoris or Shanna the She Devil (I really want to go with a scantily clad, sword wielding bad-ass women with possibly a dinosaur, alien or monster in the back ground).

Details about the artwork: 11"x 17" on Strathmore 500 using copic markers and black colored pencil.


  1. It looks great! Your shading and coloring lend a lot to the "animation" of this piece. It really looks alive. Great work, Patrick.
