Monday, July 23, 2012

Hellounge EP Cover inks!

Here are the inks for the Hellounge EP Cover. I was quite happy with it mainly because I did the majority of it in brush with black ink. This fine of detail with brush has always eluded me until I learned that I was holding the brush wrong. Now I just need to practice more!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hellounge CD art Pencils!

Okay, so here is the pencils for the Hellounge EP cover. I was giggling to myself while I was drawing this at the coffee shop. The name of the EP is Un-living Girl so I thought I would just push the boundaries of decency and the band could pull back if they wanted to (they didn’t, and one wonders why we are all friends).

To be quite honest there were a lot of happy little mistakes with this one. First, there was the height issues. I drew the girl first and when I went to draw Señor Diablo, he was way shorter than her and so I ended up putting him in platform shoes (circa a 1970’s pimp) and that just opened the door for the ruffled shirt and tight bell bottom pants.

There will be a poster available to those who help support the band on Kickstarter so if ya want one, kick in!! Here is the link:

Help them out if you can and get music and art as a reward :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Return of the Sketchbook Post!

Today’s entry is more character designs out of my sketchbook. I don’t really want to quite give away any plot points or characters as of yet so I will just post these up so you all can check them out. these are two different characters and I erased all my notes... spoilers.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Carla #0 Page 2 Pencils

There is a lot I like about this page, but I can see where I need some improvements as well. It is a heavy dialogue page so I needed quite a bit of blank space. Panel #1 I want to work on the back ground a little more, I want the apartment to look like an old lady lives there. There should be more knick-knacks and doilies (old ladies love doilies). There will be a wallpaper pattern that I will put behind the conversation panels (#2, #4, #5 and #6), so that will tie those all together.

Panel #3 is an un-bordered panel with a white background. I try not to do this too often as it seems lazy to me, but I thought it gave an interesting shape to the page and avoided too much wall paper.

This page may end up going through some redraws before I go to inks due to dialogue issues. Once all my pencils are done I will write the dialogue and place the speech balloons on the page and make room (if needed) by resizing the art or moving things around.

Comments and critiques welcome as always.

Monday, July 9, 2012


Here is a logo the I did for some friends of mine who are in a band together. The name of the band is Hellounge (obviously), so I had this vision of a Big Daddy Roth style demon lounge singer for their logo. I made this a few months ago but figured I would post it up since Hellounge is headed to the studio soon to record their first EP! I’ll be working on the cover for the EP once they nail down a title for it. I love making album covers, so much fun.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Carla #0 Page 1 Pencils

Over all I’m quite happy with this page. I like the first panel a lot, though I may add a few more cars (it’s L.A. so I think my technique should be to draw way too many cars in every city scene, then add a few more). The guy in the foreground is this guy that plays his guitar at the coffee, pretty cool guy and talented as well.

The second panel is a bit wonky in my opinion and I will probably end up changing it. I think that the angle may be confusing (opinions are greatly appreciated on this). There is a lot of detail over all on this page, but not a lot of dialogue so I took advantage of the opportunity to fill the panels up more.

The last panel I am quite happy with, Señora Flores is very fun to draw and the shadow coming off the door adds depth. Something I really want to be careful of is having too many flat surfaces. Things like walls, doors and floors should have a texture to them (even if they are covered by word balloons) to give the world itself a more organic and lived in look.

Once again, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated and thanks for checking out my blog :)