Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Carla #0 Page 2 Pencils

There is a lot I like about this page, but I can see where I need some improvements as well. It is a heavy dialogue page so I needed quite a bit of blank space. Panel #1 I want to work on the back ground a little more, I want the apartment to look like an old lady lives there. There should be more knick-knacks and doilies (old ladies love doilies). There will be a wallpaper pattern that I will put behind the conversation panels (#2, #4, #5 and #6), so that will tie those all together.

Panel #3 is an un-bordered panel with a white background. I try not to do this too often as it seems lazy to me, but I thought it gave an interesting shape to the page and avoided too much wall paper.

This page may end up going through some redraws before I go to inks due to dialogue issues. Once all my pencils are done I will write the dialogue and place the speech balloons on the page and make room (if needed) by resizing the art or moving things around.

Comments and critiques welcome as always.

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