Friday, July 6, 2012

Carla #0 Page 1 Pencils

Over all I’m quite happy with this page. I like the first panel a lot, though I may add a few more cars (it’s L.A. so I think my technique should be to draw way too many cars in every city scene, then add a few more). The guy in the foreground is this guy that plays his guitar at the coffee, pretty cool guy and talented as well.

The second panel is a bit wonky in my opinion and I will probably end up changing it. I think that the angle may be confusing (opinions are greatly appreciated on this). There is a lot of detail over all on this page, but not a lot of dialogue so I took advantage of the opportunity to fill the panels up more.

The last panel I am quite happy with, Señora Flores is very fun to draw and the shadow coming off the door adds depth. Something I really want to be careful of is having too many flat surfaces. Things like walls, doors and floors should have a texture to them (even if they are covered by word balloons) to give the world itself a more organic and lived in look.

Once again, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated and thanks for checking out my blog :)

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