Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nekkid Wednesday!

Hey all! Well Wednesday is here and I have yet another post. This one was fun. I liked the pose because it had unusual lighting (bottom lit), foreshortening on her face and her feet were interesting and fun to draw.

I spent more time with the initial drawing this time before doing the pen work and I think the result is a lot better. I need to start playing around with hair more, Adam Hughes is a good example of where I want to get where drawing hair (well drawing in general really). The way he draws hair in particular though is very interesting, as though it’s a secondary character and not just an after thought. Hair can have a lot of personality and make a character very distinct.

One of my favorite all time illustrators is Norman Rockwell. If you study a Rockwell painting, you will notice that there are certain objects that seem to take on a personality of their own; a baseball glove, a policeman’s hat, a grease rag in the back of a mechanic’s pocket. This anthropomorphism adds story telling and depth to the art and draws us in to this world that Rockwell and other good artists are trying to create. Just because I happen to be drawing a naked woman in this case is no excuse to neglect that.

See ya all tomorrow

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