Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Laziness Pays Off Sometimes...

I went to the BigWow Comic convention this weekend (more on that later) and was basically in need of some business cards, my old cards have outdated info on them so I ended up giving out the small drawing sheets I printed up for Free Comic Book Day and ended up running out! So I decided it’s time for a new business card, I need to get them soon because I will need them for the Latino Comic Expo in June.

While at BigWow, I sat in on Frank Cho’s figure drawing demo as I love his work and it’s always quite amusing. Ivy Doomkitty was the model and was having wardrobe difficulties so she ended up being about a half an hour late. Normally people would complain in that situation, but Frank decided to work on one of his pages for X-men while we waited and we got to watch him draw and ink his pages. His pencils were really rough with not a lot of detail. He explained that it saves a lot of time doing this and that his pencils are just loose guides, so I decided to try it.

For my business card design I did an homage (Artist speak for ripping off) of a classic Tales from the Crypt comic cover by Jack Davis. I drew one of these a while back but I have changed my character designs and coloring technique since then so I started fresh. Below is the pencils which I transferred to Bristol board as well as the inks so you all can see what I started with and what I ended up with. Frank was right that it does save a lot of time.

I will talk more about BigWow in my next entry, check back in a couple of days.

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