Monday, May 6, 2013

Carla Calaveras

Here is my character design for Carla, the title character and protagonist from my comic that I am making. Carla is a 16 year old monster hunter, she is brave, smart, cool under pressure and sarcastic (all qualities I admire). I want my characters to be well rounded and realistic so I try to avoid pitfalls and stereotypes. Carla is tall and skinny, but I made sure to not just give her twig legs. The legs are in fact long and skinny, but I pay attention to add shape as well.

I love the picture in the corner of Carla crying, I think it adds a lot to her. Something I want to explore is the depiction of crying in my comic and all the range of crying that exists. Crying for loss, crying because you fail, crying because you are happy or relieved, crying because you just can't fucking take it any more, crying because you were rejected and many many more reasons... all of these should look different from each other. So the question you should ask is not "how does my character look like when he/she is crying?" but "what is my character crying ABOUT? and what does that look like?" because it does matter.

P.S. - I would tell you what she is crying about in this particular picture but...spoilers, so no.

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