Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Derby de los Muertos!

Welcome to my newest blog post! I am probably going to get yelled at for this drawing by my friend Jill, who was on my ass to draw up a roller derby poster for her league a couple of years ago and I never really did. I had an idea for a zombie marathon issue of Carla Calaveras, where Carla has to basically run an entire marathon while killing all the zombies participating but then those jerkwads killed and injured all those people in the Boston Marathon and then my idea wasn’t as funny. One of the appeals of horror is that we can laugh at our own mortality and it helps us cope with tragedy and death in the real world but unfortunately, the line between reality and horror blurs.

Enough with the soapbox! I really like how this piece turned out, I have an opportunity to display some art at a coffee shop and I think this will be one of them. I put it in Spanish because I thought it looked cooler but I did make a mistake on it, “1ra” (primera) should be “1ro” (primero). I plan on coloring and relettering it, so I will fix it then. I think I will sell the colored version as prints for $10 or $15. The original will be for sale at the coffee shop for $100 (sorry but the typo is pretty much on there for good).


  1. I'd pay extra to see this roller derby!

  2. I know right?! Zombies on skates, eating and beating the crap out of each other! I am going to have fun drawing that issue.
