Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Writer's Block...

Sooooo... at first I was going to make a blog post about my interview with Eblisun Grun over at Outside the Cube (that you can find here), but I felt that was too self congratulatory. Then I considered talking about the Man of Steel movie, but everyone seems to be doing that and there are still those who have not seen it. Friday, I got my new fancy schmancy business cards in the mail (that you can see the artwork for above) and I thoughts to myself “that would be a good topic”, but it would be rather dull and short, so that wasn’t an option.

Really it’s strange for me to not have anything to talk about because I’m usually so chatty. I talked to someone for two whole hours on Sunday about the innovative way I am going to show what Carla is thinking in my comic that I came up with this weekend and yet I am drawing a blank for my blog! Now I am starting to worry if this is what writer’s block feels like?! Maybe I have that now!! I hope it doesn’t carry over to artist’s block, that would be horrible as I have so many drawings and pages I want to finish. I was hoping to start inking my pages in the next couple of weeks, so I really can’t afford that!

All right, I’m going to go try and cure my writer’s block and hopefully I will be back on later with something cool and/or profound to say. Until that time I just want to welcome any new readers to my blog and let them know that this usually never happens and I will try and come up with something for later in the week. Until then here is the art from my business cards :)

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