Friday, June 7, 2013

Here are some more character designs from my comic book. Clockwise from left is Carla's Aunt Ana Maria, then her Uncle Miguel (Tio Feo), Tia Sofia (Tio Frio's wife) and finally Carla's Grandfather (Abuelo).

The design for Aunt Ana Maria is a bit of a funny one. I was having a bit of a block on her design and put her on a back burner. The other day I went to lunch, opened my sketchbook to draw and found a post-it note with a drawing of her on it. I suddenly remembered that I had a dream about a girl wearing a hat with big curly hair underneath it. I woke up and drew it onto a post-it, put it into my sketchbook, then put the sketchbook into my bag and went to sleep. Love it when that happens!

Anyways, enjoy!

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